Must be 18 years old or have permission to purchase.
We will not ship until both parties agree on a shipping date.
Shipping is a flat rate of $59, regardless of the number of animals ordered. Free shipping on orders over $999. We ship on Tuesdays and Wednesday's weather permitting. We ship all our reptiles overnight through Reptiles Express, ensuring professional handling and delivery. We recommend shipping to your closest FedEx Ship Center and " Hold for Pickup". We will provide you with the closest FedEx Ship Center location. We can ship your animals directly to your home, but only if the daytime high temperature is under 80F and the low is above 40F. We prioritize the safety of the animals by using insulated boxes, tamper-proof tape, and heat or cold packs as necessary with no extra charge. All our shipments are packed with a 48-hour delivery timeframe in case there is a delay. Shipping temps are between 40F to 80F. We ship within the United States, excluding Hawaii. We can ship to Alaska, send us an email for a shipping quote.
Weather Delays - Please understand that we cannot control weather delays during times of extreme heat and cold. We will not put the animal's life in danger by shipping. We want you to receive the highest quality animal. We will hold and care for the animal as we have been and ship as soon as the weather permits.
Local Pickup - If you live near the Richmond Virginia area we can meet for local pickup. Please email us before placing an order. All orders must be paid in full before pickup.
International Shipping - We can ship to Canada, Europe, China and South Korea. Please email us for a shipping quote.
Dubia Roaches Shipping - We ship on Tuesdays and Wednesdays. All orders placed after Wednesday at 12pm eastern will ship the next available shipping day. No shipping to Florida, Hawaii and Alaska. Shipping is a flat rate of $9.99. Our roaches come in 100g increments. All orders are given an over count to account for any casualties. We ship all our roaches with USPS Priority 2-3 days. All orders are guaranteed. If there is an issue with your order, please contact us within 2 hours of receiving your roaches and we will replace your order.
Live Arrival Guarantee
All animals shipped have a Live Arrival Guarantee. FedEx tracking will indicate when your package is ready for pickup or when it will arrive to your home. If picking up your package from your FedEx Ship Center, the animal must be picked up by end of day or Live Arrival Guarantee is void. Failure to retrieve your package from the hub on the day of arrival will result in its classification as abandoned. In such a case, the package will be returned to us, and no refunds will be issued. If having your package shipped to your home someone must be home to accept the package as soon as it arrives, or Live Arrival Guarantee is void. If we recommend not shipping because of it being too hot or too cold and you insist on wanting your animal(s) shipped the Live Arrival Guarantee is void. In the rare event your animal perishes during shipping you must Contact Us immediately or within 1 hour of the shipment being picked up from the ship center or delivered to your door. A photo of the animal time stamped will be required.